Store information
今池店(Nagoya-shi Chikusa-ku)
Maison du Vin
Our 1,000wines selection
Whisky Kingdom
Our 500 whiskies selection
Tax Free stores
Japan. Tax-free shop
Recycling of aluminum cans
We will collect aluminum cans

Address | 2-16-20, Uchiyama, Chikusaku, Nagoya-shi 〒464-0075 |
TEL | 052-745-3313 |
Store opening hours | AM10:00-PM8:00 |
Store closing day/s | Tuesday |
Parking space | 6 |
Accepted Payment Options

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Scotch Whisky Research Centre certified Whisky Expert

The Whisky Expert is a certification system for all those persons that handle whisky as a job or have an interest in it. This certification is not limited only to scotch whisky but covers all the whisky types in the world. A Whisky Expert explains the good points and how to enjoy whisky to people from individuals to groups.
Certification body: Scotch Whisky Research Centre
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