Store information


  • Tax Free stores

    Japan. Tax-free shop

  • delivery service

    delivery service to restaurants


3-12 Ebisucho, Nakaku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima


Store opening hours

PM4:00-AM2:00Public holiday Only PM4:00-AM0:00

Store closing day/s


Parking space0

Accepted Payment Options

wineJapan Sommelier Association certified Senior sommelier

Senior sommelier is a upper grade than wine advisor and wine sommelier.
This licence need more than 3 years since you get wine advisor or sommeriers and more than 10 years totaly to have experience of work.
Also it highly required to have knowledge of wine in the World wide as taste and history.
So it is very hard to get licence, therefore he is a specialist of wine.
He will handle about wine so don't worry and please feel free to ask it.

sakeSake Service Institute certified Kikisake-shi

The job of the Kikisake-shi (sake tasting master), a person trained in tasting and having a deep knowledge of Japanese sake, is to explain its wonders to the consumers, exactly like the Shochu kikisake-shi.
According to the tastes of the customers, their physical condition and to other subtle points, he will chose the best sake to drink.
Certification body: Sake Service Institute

whiskyScotch Whisky Research Centre certified Whisky Expert

The Whisky Expert is a certification system for all those persons that handle whisky as a job or have an interest in it. This certification is not limited only to scotch whisky but covers all the whisky types in the world. A Whisky Expert explains the good points and how to enjoy whisky to people from individuals to groups.
Certification body: Scotch Whisky Research Centre

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